WOTLK Classic Phase 3: The Perfect Time for Alts and Catch-Up

Wrath of the Lich King Classic has taken the World of Warcraft community by storm, rekindling nostalgia for one of the most beloved expansions in the game’s history. Whether you’re a dedicated player running raids every week or someone looking to start a new alt, there’s still a lot of fun to be had in this classic version of the game. In this article, we’ll explore why Phase 3 of WOTLK Classic is the ideal time to either start taking an alt seriously or re-roll in preparation for the Icecrown Citadel (ICC), where the real end-game begins.

The Joy of Variety

One of the strengths of WOTLK Classic is the diversity of classes and roles you can explore. From the versatility of the Shadow Priest to the adaptability of a Holy Paladin, each class offers a unique playstyle. This variety keeps the game fresh with the help of WoW Wotlk gold, as you can switch between roles, offering different challenges and experiences. It’s all about finding what suits your preferences best.

However, there’s one glaring issue in the current game state—the lack of flying mounts, which makes leveling an alt feel like an eternity. This issue has become particularly pronounced with the arrival of Phase 3. Nevertheless, there are ways to make the leveling process more enjoyable.

Leveling Alts in Style

One essential tip for leveling an alt is to embrace professions that will enhance your journey. Engineering, in particular, stands out as an excellent choice. If you’re planning to go engineering, do it at level 65 rather than waiting until level 80. This early investment allows you to craft fun gadgets like rocket boots, bags of grenades, and powerful trinkets that can make the final 15 levels of leveling feel more exciting.

Phase 3: The Perfect Catch-Up Phase

Phase 3 in WOTLK Classic is a game-changer. It’s the sweet spot for players who want to gear up an alt quickly or re-roll entirely in preparation for ICC. Here’s why:

Abundance of Crafting Gear: Before even stepping into a raid, you can acquire a wealth of crafting gear for your alt. Whether you need cloth, leather, or plate, you can get your hands on items like Cowl of the White Dawn, Savior's Slippers, Merlin's Robes, and Bejeweled Wizard Braces.

Tier 9 Crafted Gear: Phase 3 brings crafted gear with Tier 9 quality, providing additional options for your character. You can get geared up faster with items like Asimov's Strap, Ham Wraps of Resonance, and Leggings of Lost Love.

BoE Gear: The abundance of Bind-on-Equip (BoE) gear from raids, especially from Naxxramas and Ulduar, makes gearing up your alt easier. You can get decent gear without having to wait for a raid drop or spending excessive gold.

BoE Weapons: The game offers various BoE weapons that are affordable and excellent for alts. Items like Titansteel Guardian and Faces of Doom can quickly bolster your character's arsenal.

Professions: Leverage your character's professions to gain a head start. For instance, engineering can provide you with powerful gadgets, while blacksmithing can create starter weapons.

Normal 5-Man Heroics: By running normal 5-man heroics, you can obtain 200-item level gear easily, and even 5-man heroic gear empowers your character, offering valuable items like Banner of Victory.

Potential for Heroic+ Runs: In Phase 3, there's speculation about heroic+ runs or empowered runes, which can further enhance your character's gear from 5-man heroics.

Naxxramas 10-Man: Even Naxxramas 10-man raids in Phase 3 offer accessible two-handed weapons and other valuable gear, making gearing up your alt a breeze.

Preparing for Icecrown Citadel

Phase 3 is the gateway to Icecrown Citadel (ICC), the pinnacle of raiding in WOTLK Classic. If you’re interested in trying a new class or role to excel in ICC, Phase 3 is your golden opportunity. Gearing up your alt has never been more straightforward, with various options to obtain the necessary gear quickly. By following the strategies outlined above, you can ensure that your character is prepared for the challenges that ICC presents.


In Wrath of the Lich King Classic, Phase 3 offers an excellent opportunity to embark on new adventures with alts or re-roll for the upcoming ICC raid. The wide range of gear options, the availability of BoE items, and the potential for empowered runes make gearing up your alt easier than ever. Enjoy the diversity of classes, embrace the journey with engaging professions, and get ready for the epic challenges that await ICC. Phase 3 is the perfect catch-up phase for all adventurers in Azeroth. So, whether you’re a veteran raider or a budding alt enthusiast, now is the ideal time to dive into the action and embrace the adventures that await in WOTLK Classic.

Remember to stay tuned to MMOexp.com for all the latest news! You can also enjoy buying cheap WoTLK Gold service here.