Unraveling the Hidden Depths of Elden Ring: Guide to NPC Quests

Elden Ring, the highly anticipated action RPG, has captivated players with its vast open world, challenging bosses, and intricate lore. However, many players may have missed out on the depth and complexity of the game’s NPC quests due to the lack of clear guidance within the game itself. In this article, we delve into the secrets of Elden Ring’s NPC interactions, uncovering hidden quests, amusing dialogues, and unexpected twists that enrich the overall gaming experience.

Summoning Yura:

One of the overlooked aspects of the Elden Ring is the summoning of Yura, an NPC with a unique set of interactions. By talking to Yura, tickling the dragon, and returning without defeating it, players can unlock Yura’s summon sign next to the stake. While Yura may not be the brightest character, his summoning adds a cool dynamic to the gameplay, albeit at the cost of disabling your horse.

Renna’s Unique Dialogue:

Returning to the Church of Elleh at Night reveals an interesting dialogue with Renna. While players are typically expected to accept being Torrent’s new master, opting to deny it repeatedly results in a humorous exchange where Renna compliments the player’s paranoia before leaving the items.

Exploring Redmane Castle Early:

Venturing into Redmane Castle before the Radahn festival opens up a secret side path as an entrance. Talking to Jerren early in the game provides insight into the upcoming festival, setting the stage for unique interactions and a deeper understanding of the game’s lore.

Ranni’s Fate In Motion:

Selivus’s questline intertwines with Ranni’s fate, offering players the opportunity to influence her destiny. Acquiring an Amber shard and attempting to give it to the sleeping Ranni leads to unexpected consequences, showcasing the intricate web of choices and outcomes in Elden Ring.

The Celestial Dew:

The Celestial Dew, often misunderstood, serves as a tool for absolution. Contrary to misconceptions, it doesn’t revive dead NPCs but forgives any aggression towards the player. This opens up possibilities for completing all running-related quest lines in a single run, highlighting the importance of understanding game mechanics.

Patches’ Surrender:

Dealing with Patches can be tricky, especially if players hit him after he surrenders. However, accepting his offer to surrender, even if it means dying, unlocks a special gesture and allows the quest to continue seamlessly.

Forgiveness and Forgetfulness:

Various NPCs offer forgiveness and forgetfulness, showcasing the richness of Elden Ring’s world. From using the Tonic of Forgetfulness in the Volcano Manor questline to forgiving Patches, these interactions contribute to the immersive storytelling and dynamic character relationships.

Return Dialogue:

Elden Ring introduces the concept of return dialogue, where players can revisit NPCs for additional dialogue about their actions. This enriches the game world, providing players with deeper insights into character motivations and story developments.

Melina’s Unique Dialogues:

Melina’s spoken echoes, scattered across churches and key graces, offer players extra lore. While not as cool as Vaati’s storytelling, Melina’s dialogue, such as recounting Queen Amarika sending Godfrey and the Tarnish to fight a war, adds layers to the game’s narrative.

Saving NPCs from Terrible Fates:

The article touches upon saving NPCs from grim fates, like preventing Leyndell’s Morgott from dying with the Prattling Pate or ensuring Sellen doesn’t transform by avoiding Lusat. These choices showcase the player’s agency in shaping the game world.


Elden Ring’s NPC quests go beyond the surface, providing players with a rich tapestry of interactions, choices, and consequences. From secret paths to unique dialogues, the game’s depth becomes evident when players take the time to explore and understand the intricacies of its world. In Elden Ring, every choice matters, and every NPC interaction adds to the immersive experience, making it a truly unforgettable gaming journey.

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